
“I immediately felt comfortable with Enza when I met her..."


“Without Enza’s assistance, we never would have made it through labor (I know my husband would’ve been passed out on the floor!). She truly met emotionally, spiritual, and certainly physical needs. She was invaluable!” Libby B.



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I highly recommend Enza for so many reasons. From the start, she was an incredible help for both my husband and I. Her initial visits helped us think through questions and scenarios we would not have anticipated. This really helped me get over fears I had about labor and feel much more prepared. She got to know both of us – how we interacted and what our preferences and goals regarding birth were. She is knowledgeable and caring and I was beyond impressed with her services even before labor. During labor she brought a presence with her that was calming and reassuring. She helped me through each contraction, I didn’t lose focus during any of them with her there. When I started to lose focus, she would say or do just the right thing to bring me back and help me through it. She has an incredible gift of being able to help you decide how to move forward, offering advice and options and truly letting everything be your decision. She is practical and doesn’t sugar-coat things, which is something my personality needed and really appreciated. She is so incredibly intentional and caring the entire time, which helped me to relax, focus and make it through what I’d certainly label as the hardest hours of my life. I followed her lead as we moved through active labor and the result was a baby no longer in the OP position and a completely natural birth. After delivery my daughter had complications breathing, Enza stayed with me while my husband was able to be with our new daughter in the special care unit. Enza was there with me, chatting and offering advice, which helped me to not fall apart in those few hours between delivery and when I was recovered enough to go be with my daughter again. I am so grateful Enza was my doula and really cannot give her enough of a recommendation in this short text box! ~Rachel L.

My sweet Renee came to us 2 weeks late after a week of prodromal labor. Enza was so great and supportive even through all our false starts (coming to our house one night at 4am only to have the contractions die down). My first born was an emergency csection and I was trying for a VBAC. I labored around 27 hours with Enza doing counter pressure, massage and helping me to change positions to get the baby into position and help me dilate. My husband was so exhausted from all our false labor that it was such a godsend to have Enza there so he could rest but I could still have support. She was the perfect blend of soothing, encouraging and also challenging me to try hard positions to get baby to drop lower. She was a calming presence but also helped me to laugh and joke between contractions (which is my personality and very much apprexisted!) After about 20 hours at the hospital I was still stuck around 7cm and completely exhausted. I decided to have an epidural to rest before pushing and Enza suggested I use the peanut ball to help me dilate while resting. In two hours I got to 10cm with the peanut! We turned down my epidural to I could better control my pushing. My big girl took hours to push out and through it all Enza was providing great encouragement and reminding me that I was strong, I could do it and that the baby was almost here (even though I was pretty grumpy in return!) After 4 hours of pushing with the support of Enza, my husband and our wonderful midwife I had a successful VBAC! I ended up having very serious hemorrhaging after my birth and Enza was such a comforting support for my husband and stayed a few hours after our birth to make sure we were all okay. Both my husband and I can’t imagine our birth without Enza. I think her pain management techniques helped me to labor naturally as long as possible and also potentially helped us prevent a repeated csection. We are so grateful and if we ever have a third biological child we will use her again!~Brooke P.

My husband and I were thrilled to have Enza as our doula! My husband and I are christians and to know that our birthing “couch” or “supporter” was also a believer gave us great security and peace. All of this was even more important to us because we were 1500 miles away from our home state, and it was our first baby. Enza prayed with us and consistently had a calm and encouraging spirit throughout our birthing process and delivery. Although I don’t have any other birth to base my birthing experience on, I personally felt that my labor and delivery was very tough. I know that without Enza helping me through literally every contraction, I wouldn’t have reached my goal to have a natural birth. I am grateful for her perseverance, love, and authenticity. I highly recommend Enza for anyone looking for a doula who is completely dedicated to their passion of helping women through this highly vulnerable and intense thing called childbirth! Thank you so very much, Enza! ~Megan W

We were fortunate enough to meet Enza and to have her with us for the birth of our second daughter.  I was nervous going into this delivery because my goal was for a VBAC (my first daughter was born via C-section because she was in a breech position).  During my first meeting with Enza, I expressed my fears and concerns, and she was both realistic about the sucess of a VBAC, but also conveyed to me a confidence and optimism that really boosted my moral about going forward with my goal.  Every single member of the hospital staff that night who entered our room, immediately smiled when they saw Enza!  It was so nice that she already had a great connection and reputation at Beverly Hospital.  As we labored through the night, Enza guided us through contractions, and had many helpful suggestions to relive my discomfort.  She and my husband worked so well together, and she never left my side.  When I decided to get an epidural, Enza talked through the decision with me, and encouraged me to think through what I wanted to do.  The pushing stage of labor was absolutely exhausting, and I didn’t think that I was going to get through it.  Enza kept quietly encouraging me that I could do it, and I know that her encouragement also helped my husband get through the hardest part of watching me struggle.  We came through it all with a successful VBAC, and Enza’s support and encouragement throughout a long labor and delivery were priceless.I would encourage any expectant mother to hire a doula, and Enza has a true gift.  Her personality is upbeat, but she is very soothing and comforting while conveying such wonderful energy.  I cannot recommend her highly enough, and if we have one more baby, can’t wait to have her there with us again!  Thank you Enza! ~Erica G.

“This was my first experience with a doula. Having had 2 children previously, I can say that Enza provided a level of support that far exceeded my expectations. Enza helped make the birth of my youngest daughter(now 3 yrs old) a pleasant process without the aid of medications.” Jen P.

“Enza was amazing! She was so positive and supportive. She was with me through the whole process! We were new to the area, my husband was away for military training, and I needed someone I could call in the middle of the night. She helped me meet new people in the community. She was with me at the hospital while my husband drove up. Her massage eased my pain. There were complications during the birth; my husband had trouble with the whole situation and couldn’t stay at the hospital. Enza stayed with me while I went to see Connor in the NICU and hung out until I got settled in my room. She came to visit me after the birth and we are still in touch now!” Peggy M.

“Without Enza’s assistance, we never would have made it through labor (I know my husband would’ve been passed out on the floor!). She truly met emotionally, spiritual, and certainly physical needs. She was invaluable!” Libby B.

“I immediately felt comfortable with Enza when I met her, almost as if she were a long-time friend or family member. I know that without Enza I would not have had the confidence to labor at home for as long as I did and give birth without medication, which was my desire. There was a moment where I started to panic; Enza put her hands on my shoulders, looked me in the eye, and said “Breathe!” and started taking deep breaths with me. Immediately, I calmed down and the pain subsided! My motto for her is, “Enza: Don’t give birth without her!” Gina C.L

“Enza was a key person in our natural birth plan. She brought with her a sense of spiritual, emotional and physical calmness and encouragement. She was also phenomenal in helping my husband know when and how to comfort me and encourage me. We cannot speak more highly of her. We are looking forward to utilizing her services again in the coming years with any future babies.” Kate M.

“Enza truly cares about her clients and it is evident in the care and support she provides before, during and after labor. Enza has a way of making you feel as though you have known her forever! From our first meeting I could sense her warmth, compassion and dedication as a doula. I look forward to her support during future deliveries and I highly recommend her services to anyone considering natural childbirth.” Nicole V.

“Enza and I hit it off right from the start. Her bubbly, warm and
professional personality was magnetic! She has a laugh that is
infectious too! I knew instantly that she was the one I needed to help
me thru an all natural VBAC delivery.” Heather B.

“We are so incredibly thankful that we found Enza and chose to have her at the births of our babies (#3 and #4). After 2 deliveries with epidurals, I met some wonderful people who educated me regarding the natural birthing process. After reading, watching documentaries, and talking with others, I knew that I would never elect to have drugs during the birthing process again. My husband and I decided to hire a doula and we ended up with Enza! Even though Enza credits us with all the hard work, we know that we can credit her with our successful drug-free, tub labored deliveries. Enza provided comfort, support, and guidance to both my husband and I. Enza is all about supporting the Mommy – that means that if Mommy feels she needs pain medications, Enza supports that. For us, it was about not getting pain medications, and allowing birth to progress naturally – Enza supported us through our journey. Enza has become a friend. We continue to see her as a fantastic resource as well. Thank you Enza!” Rebekah M.

“Enza helped me deliver our first baby, Elena, on August 30, 2011. We found her through a friend, and I was pretty diligent about checking references. After getting numerous responses from other moms that had nothing but glowing, wonderful things to say about Enza, I felt confident that she would do a great job. I was totally right. From the start of my labor (which lasted 3 full days), Enza was responsive, helpful, and ready to come help whenever and however long I was ready. She coached me through delivery, and was such a strong and helpful presence in the process. After Elena was born, Enza stayed as long as we wanted her to, and came back the following day to check in. I had some problems with engorgement after my milk came in several days later, and Enza came to the house to help me through my “mommy meltdown.” We would truly have been lost without her. I cannot praise her work highly enough. She is knowledgeable, responsible, warm, kind, and responsive. She is confident and knows what she’s doing, even under pressure. I wish she was still in the Maryland area so that she could help us when we have another baby!” Lianne A.

“Her advice was completely invaluable! She helped me make the decision on when to allow the doctor to break my water, she guided me on how to push the most effective way possible, and the position to be in at each stage of labor. Even my doctors and nurses were impressed by how knowledgeable, professional and skilled she was in the delivery room!” Cheryl W.

“Enza was absolutely wonderful to work with. My labor and delivery went exactly as I wanted it. I was able to have a natural birth and I don’t think I could have done it without Enza’s help. She worked really well with the hospital staff and helped to make my husband feel more comfortable. I got to go in the hot tub, was given Popsicles and even ice cream! She stayed with me the whole time and coached me through the contractions. It was incredibly helpful to have her there!” Elena K.

“….when it was “time”, she was ready at the hospital entrance and helped me through contractions in the elevator! She was always in the right spot, was very prepared with words, warm hands and with her doula tools and knew when to take a step back and let the nurses and/or my husband assist me. She was an advocate for me, but I felt in control and my husband was thankful to have her there. Even the hospital staff was impressed and said they wished they saw more doulas like her and asked her several times to leave her card. She stayed for a bit after delivery, but then gave us time as a family and checked in with us afterwards. She is both professional and personal, which must be a hard balance to obtain….” Amy N.

“Within that short meeting, Dan and I were convinced that we wanted her to be part of the birth. It wasn’t uncomfortable at all to have her enter in to something so vulnerable and personal with such little time in getting to know one another. Enza is very calming and warm and it was natural – like we had known her for years. During the birth I cannot emphasize enough what a huge difference it made having her present with us. She was able to help Dan provide support, in a way where the pressure was off of him to know exactly what to do. Enza also frequently supplied the verbal encouragement I needed to continue through 15 hours of a natural, non-medicated labor and delivery!” Anna B.

“We were thrilled with our birth experience with Enza. She made us feel as prepared as possible prior to the birth (our first). At the time of the birth she was easy to reach (even at 1am 🙂 and was at the hospital quickly. She was always ready for every contraction being hands on and able to suggest comfort measures, even when I didn’t know what I needed. During the active labor she was immensely helpfull relaying what others were saying when i couldn’t hear them and physically helping where she could. She also was right on top of everything and identified problems and fetched midwives when needed. Post-partum she checked in on us and was very supportive. I would recommend Enza to anyone.” Carol S.

“My husband and I are so glad that we decided to work with Enza for the birth of our son. He is our first baby and while we had some ideas of what we wanted for labor and delivery there is so much that you can’t know when you’ve never experienced it before. Enza was really helpful in making sure that we understood what was going on and in helping both my husband and I during the labor and delivery. Things didn’t go as expected (suprise!), and so having Enza there made making decisions so much easier. Enza is very encouraging, calming, and great at what she does!” Emily D.

“Enza was a wonderful support to my husband and me during labor. She was unbelievably attentive to me, and she was a huge help to my husband in his support of me. With her lead, he was able to support me in ways we both know he wouldn’t have been able to had Enza not been there. She showed him what to do, told us what was going on, and dealt with the doctors and nurses beautifully. She was also great before and after labor, checking in and making sure I was doing well in the last weeks of my pregnancy and in the first months of motherhood. She is an extremely caring woman. Because of Enza, we were able to have the labor and delivery that we desired, and I can’t imagine having done it without her.” Wesley G.

“I am very glad that I hired Enza to be my doula. I really wanted to give birth without an epidural or any pain medication, but I was also very scared about that, too. When I hired Enza, she met with me a couple of times throughout my pregnancy and made herself available to me if I needed her. She was very friendly and knowledgeable. This was helpful with dealing with the fear I was feeling. Then when labor day came, Enza was extremely helpful. She walked me around the halls and helped me deal with the contractions with lots of little doula tricks. Her manner was very calm and supportive, and helped me stay focused and strong. I really don’t think I would have been able to do it without her support. Giving birth without medication was a much better experience than my first labor, when I did have an epidural, and I really do feel I owe this to Enza. I have absolutely no hesitation in highly recommending her services.” Aimee D.

“I had a water birth for my daughter and a hospital birth for my son, and Enza was indispensable for both. I would recommend Enza to be your doula, regardless of your birth plan, whether it be natural or medicated. Sometimes birth does not go as planned, but Enza is prepared for the unpredictable. She played a vital role in bringing my babies in the world as I faced unexpected challenges during labor. She is priceless when it comes to helping with childbirth! ” Jacqueline D.

“Hiring a doula for the birth of our first child was one of the best decisions we made, and working with Enza in particular was a joy. Since neither of our families live nearby, having someone at hand to encourage and teach did a lot to calm our nerves. Enza did more than fill a void, though. She shared her knowledge and experience through the childbirth classes, prenatal meetings, the actual birth, and a debriefing the next day. In classes my husband and I found it helpful when we reviewed anatomy, practiced different birthing positions, and watched videos of other couples successfully having the type of birth we hoped for. When that type of birth was no longer an option (no significant dilation 48 hours after water breaking meant a hospital induction rather than a birthing center water birth), Enza’s validation of our emotions helped us move past the loss. She also offered helpful pros and cons about the new decisions we had to make, and then supported us in those decisions. Enza was with us at least 17 hours the day of the event (I can’t remember exactly, it could have been more), and was nothing but uplifting the entire time. The next day as she reviewed the events and asked how we felt, my husband and I were able to walk through some of the tension of the birth events and resolve a misunderstanding between us.
Also, as Christians, Enza’s attention to our spiritual needs throughout preparing for the birth and the actual event ministered to us in a very vulnerable time. Her holistic approach to childbirth was exactly what my husband and I we’re looking for and thankful to God that we found in Enza.
if nothing else, I would definitely work with Enza again if only for the awesome foot rubs!” Katie W.

“My husband, David, and I were blessed to experience an absolutely wonderful birth of our first child only 5 days ago. It was so short and sweet that several doctors and nurses remarked on how exceptional it was. We both credit the presence of our amazing doula, Enza, for much of the reason it went so incredibly well! When my water unexpectedly broke at 36w 1d pregnant we immediately called Enza for help. It was about 7:30am and she was finishing up another birth that had had her up all night yet she still came right over to the hospital as soon as we needed her and was a constant source of help, comfort, wisdom and encouragement until our son, Gideon, arrived at 9:27 that night. She provided me with the strength and confidence I needed to decide what was right for our birth. We were able to have the natural, gentle birth we wanted despite having to be in the hospital due to baby’s early arrival. Enza was able to read my body signs even better than the midwives! She consistently knew right where I was dilated before I was checked. She even predicted very early on that I would deliver before 10:00pm. She helped my husband (who was very involved in the birth) know how to help me. We couldn’t be more grateful for her care before, during and after our birth. ” Olivia S.

“I had never had a doula before…actually before meeting Enza I didn’t know what a doula was! That being said, I wasn’t even sure if I would like having a doula but I wanted support during my labor in a new hospital. Wow!! I hope to have Enza at any future births! She was wonderful! We met a few times before the birth to talk, go over questions, prepare for labor, etc. She worked well with the medical staff, but wasn’t afraid to speak up if/when she needed to. She helped set a relaxing mood for my night long labor. She did an awesome job in keeping me moving to help with labor progression, but was wise enough to know when I needed a rest. She had moves/stretches that I didn’t know about to help with my babies position and labor. She also had massage techniques that I wish I had known about with my previous births, they where a HUGE help with managing contraction pain!!If you’re wondering if a doula is worth it? YES!
If you’re looking for a doula…I would HIGHLY recommend Enza!” Christen K.

“Enza is wonderful! When our birth plan needed to change drastically, it was so important that we had someone we trusted with us for the whole day. She provided advice based on her knowledge of us, communicated with others on the birth team, provided consistency when the rest of our care providers changed shifts, and just comforted us that everything was going to be okay, even when others around us seemed worried. I had really wanted a natural childbirth outside the hospital, but when that became impossible, it was a big gift to have a doula who was able to adapt to the new situation quickly and still be encouraging. I would recommend Enza to anyone!” Stephanie T.

“Enza was absolutely fabulous. I credit my unmedicated VBAC success to having her by my side during my labor and delivery. She had me focused on my breathing over my pain with her soothing words and using her massage and counter pressure techniques to relieve pain in my hips/lower back. She was also a great support person for my husband. In the time before delivery she was always available for questions, encouragement and support. this birth was very healing to me and I recommend Enza to anyone looking for an experience like I had!” Keri C.

“Being a dad and going through my wife’s first childbirth experience, I wanted to make sure I was as involved as possible; however, I did not really know what that entailed. Enza came to the rescue almost immediately even though she had also done an overnight birth with another client. She was able to help my wife through the process and even to help and guide me in what I needed to do to support my wife. She was extremely knowledgeable and comforting throughout the entire process. She even had more insight than our midwife! Without Enza being there, I would have been stretched beyond my limits and would eventually not have been the help that my wife needed. We are both very thankful for Enza not only because of her knowledge and expertise, but even how she was soothing and comforting to both of us throughout the birthing experience.” David S.

“I met Enza through a series of unplanned events when I was about 12 hours into labor. My scheduled doula and two back up doulas were called away, and Enza stepped in to take care of me. I am so incredibly grateful to her, and I know that my birth was more meaningful because of her presence. Enza has an amazing spirit that encouraged and calmed me as I worked through the last 10 hours of labor and delivery. She helped me breathe, enabled me to find more comfortable positions, allowed my husband to focus on supporting me, and generally kept everyone going. Even though we’d never met, she knew what I needed to hear and was able to anticipate my needs before I knew them myself. I feel fortunate to have worked with her.” Ariel C.

“Hiring Enza made all the difference in the birth of my son. My husband and I took Bradley classes and learned more and more about the importance of a natural birth but we knew we needed somebody with expertise and experience to help us accomplish that. Enza not only had the expertise and experience we were looking for but she was also extremely encouraging and personable. When we met with Enza it had felt like we had known each other for a while. Both my husband and I felt comfortable to ask questions, voice our preferences, and express our needs for the labor and delivery experience. Enza was very supportive of our decisions while also informing us of the other options available so we always felt like we were making a well informed decision in the end.
My labor moved along smoothly and quickly and I believe that was because Enza was always suggesting different positions and things I could do that would bring our baby down. When things progressed and I entered into transition Enza constantly reminded me of my desire to have the baby naturally. She not only helped me physically but also emotionally, which is just as important during that time!
Enza was the perfect support for my husband and I and I look forward to having her there for our future births! I highly recommend her and I am confident that with her by your side you will have a great birthing experience. ” Rebecca C.

“..my only concern was “Am I strong enough to do this by myself?”. At that point I already knew I needed a doula’s help. After a good research I found Enza – my angel, who actually  help my dream to come true. She is very helpfull – very knowledgeable, her main job was to prepare me with all the information I needed for good labor and delivery and answer all my questions and conserns. When I needed her most – she was there with us, no matter the time and place. I love her sence of humor, making me feel comfortable even during contractions, her massages were irreplaceable for the pick of each one, essencial oils and her good guidance in breathing made wonders for me when I have no energy to push strong enough. Finally I had my 9 pounds baby vaginally with no epidural or c-section….” Mariana K.

“I can’t recommend Enza high enough! She is so full of warmth, energy, compassion, and encouragement — just what women need when they’re laboring to bring a baby into the world. Her passion for mamas and their babies is obvious; she went above and beyond to make it to my whirlwind birth, meeting us in the birth center parking lot and helping me through the door just four minutes before our little boy barged into the world!” Katie T.

Well, Say no more! We (my husband and I) cannot imagine ourselves being parents if Enza wasn’t there for us! Enza was perfect helper for both of us; she gave us proper education and training before the birth. She stayed 3 days in the hospital with us! Since I was on slow procedure of induction, Enza was there for me 24/7. She’s caring, informative, and comfortable to be with! When our little one was born with medical issue, she continued to reach out to us with praying and companionship. She poured out her love, and care for our newborn! Her service was absolutely priceless!! Younghwa K.

“..So even though it was our third child it felt like our first child was coming out and we were nervous and uncertain about how events would unfold. During the whole process, Enza was amazing in calming us down, as her just very presence is very joyful and calming. My wife told me that her breathing methods and massages were spot on for every moment (which apparently was critical due to the fact that she could feel all the natural pain that comes along with child birth) and that bearing a child without an epidural was not as bad as she imagined due to the wonderful work of Enza…” Peter K.

“We have found Enza very friendly and easy to talk to from the first time we have met her. She was always on time and put our mind at ease at each time we have met prior to the birth. Although due to the very quick progression of my labor (third baby) she did not have much to do but hold my hand when I was pushing, her presence meant a lot both to me and my husband. She stayed after the delivery to make sure we have settled in at the ward. It was nice to see her again when she came to visit after we have returned home from the hospital. i would highly recommend her as a doula. She has a sweet and friendly personality. You have the feeling you have known her for a long time.” Kriszti K.

“…With Enza by my side, I entered labor with a steady, calming presence as my body prepared to give birth to our first son. The pain management techniques and massage she gave me allowed a peaceful labor. The stark and cold hospital room was transformed into a calming oasis with Enza’s soothing oils and music, and this helped me to focus on the joy that was to come. Although my birth wasn’t textbook, I felt empowered and ready for every outcome with Enza as my doula, and I felt confident about my decisions with Enza helping to guide me with what I wanted along the way…” Emily M.

“I wouldn’t trade Enza for the world! She was such an important piece during my labor and now in my postpartum period. My labor lasted over 70 hours and she was there the whole time. I had a home birth and I had to be transferred to the hospital, she never left me. She encouraged me and paid attention to my physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Enza is the best doula! “Daniela H.

“Enza was great!  She was at the hospital from the moment I walked in, through the night and into the next morning when my daughter was born.  She helped me communicate with the doctors and nurses and was there to help me talk out the decisions I needed to make. Her prayers and support meant a lot!” Sarah G.

“We knew when we met Enza that she was the right fit for us. Very easygoing and attentive, she treated us like we were her only clients and she hadn’t heard all of our questions a hundred times, though I’m sure she had! Enza arrived at the hospital right away and walked what seemed like miles up and down the halls with me. I felt like I had an ally and a translator to guide me through the whole process (which, of course, did not go as planned!) She coached me through pushing and stayed right by my side so my husband could be with our son. I’m so glad she was with us! I highly recommend Enza as a doula for first time moms.” Kate B.

“Enza was an amazing support, and comfort during my labor experience. She was right there with me the entire time helping to keep me calm, comfortable and relaxed. she coached me through contractions excellently. I highly recommend Enza! She is a wealth of wisdom and is truly caring and passionate about helping women in his way. ” Bethany D.

“Enza was an amazing coach during my labor. As a first time Mom, my husband and I did not know what to expect and we wanted extra help and support during labor. Enza was not only appreciated by us, but the staff at the hospital were familiar with her and said she is their favorite doula they’ve worked with. A statement like that speaks loudly of Enza’s ability to be a strong encouragement and support without stepping on toes. My husband was extremely thankful for Enza, he says he wouldn’t know what to do if she wasn’t there. Enza helped reduce my pain during labor and was the reason I was able to follow my plan of having the baby without the epidural. Thank you, Enza!!” Chelsea R.

“Our experience with Enza was nothing short of amazing! We were referred to her by a friend and we could not have been happier with our choice. Enza was extremely professional throughout the whole birth process. She took time to answer all our questions and provided insight where needed. Not only was she pivotal to our labor and birth, she met with us twice prior to our son’s arrival and helped us write our birth plan. She also met with us after his birth to check in and see how everything was going. During birth she was comforting, helpful, and assertive. She knew the birth we wanted and did her best to make sure we received it. She brought soothing music and battery-powered candles while I labored in the tub. She spent countless hours massaging my back during labor and gently directing my husband on how to help me best. My sincere hope is that anyone considering it would use her as a doula. Her experience coupled with her professionalism and warmth make her invaluable to the birth process. We plan on having her with us for our future childrens’ births!” Elizabeth S.

“I had such a wonderful experience with this doula I can’t even begin to describe how supportive, reassuring & encouraging she was throughout my birthing experience. She stayed with me the whole time and provided a safe, comfortable & nurturing environment within the hospital atmosphere. I don’t think I could have mustered the confidence and strength to follow through on my all natural birth plan without her. Enza is knowledgeable and competent, she assisted in reducing my pain and anxiety utilizing multiple techniques and birthing positions. I truly feel that, in part, my positive and fairly quick birthing experience was due to her. I will 100% ask her to be my doula again during my next pregnancy and I wouldl refer her to any pregnant friend or family member. You will not find a more genuinely caring doula!” Erica C.

“Enza Lilley is an absolutely extraordinary Doula! She has an inner joy, vibrant spirit, calming presence and genuine nature that are unprecedented. Enza comes with a confidence and expertise from years and years of robust experience as a Doula. My primary goal was to have a natural, unmedicated birth; this accomplishment never would have been possible without Enza’s presence and amazing skills. She accompanied me through the entire labor process providing moment-to-moment guidance on positions, breathing, vocalization and a variety of other techniques. I always will recall the birth of my son as the most meaningful of my life, and Enza was instrumental in this achievement. I give Enza my highest recommendation and I cannot wait to have her as my Doula again in the future. ” Keri B.

“There are not enough words I can write to describe how incredible Enza is at what she does. She is not just a doula, but a guiding loving hand, a friend, a mother figure, a calm presence with a spectacular laugh that brings a smile to all. I decided i would search google for a quote about angels, as i truly believe Enza was placed in my path for a reason. “I believe certain people cross your life as guardian angels & some connections can’t be explained off words alone. it’s a soul thing, a feel.”From the moment I met Enza, I felt as if I had known her my whole life. She is now considered part of our family!Enza was always a phone call away or a text. She comforted my husband and I through a very long labor. My back labor started off very painfully, Enza worked with us trying to find comforting measures to ease the pain. Her gentle smoothing massage helped tremendously.Enza brought essential oils and candles to comfort all. Everyone that walked through the room appreciated the warm aroma of lavender! Enza worked wonderfully with all the staff at Beverly Hospital.I never felt more at ease,as I hate anything medical.Unfortunately, I had an epidural, but Enza stood by our sides and guided us through. She was the guiding voice we needed to hear. I developed a fever during labor and the baby would have to be taken to the special care nursery to receive antibiotics, Enza quickly calmed me and my husband, making sure we understood all that was occurring. If there was ever any fear or worry, I just looked to Enza and knew everything was ok. Through 3hrs of pushing, Enza never let me give up; she helped me search for my strength. When my son entered the world, Enza shared in this joyous time! My husband and I truly cannot say enough about her she is an incredible genuine woman. If baby #2 arrives. Enza surely will be there!” Jessica M.

“…from hello, I knew I needed Enza by our side and my instinct couldn’t have been more accurate. Enza was a comforting and knowledgeable presence from our initial meeting, to post delivery visits, complete with glorious gifts, cozy hugs and lots of time to recap on this miracle we had just experienced together. Enza was with me DAILY ( remember I was 18 days past due date when I delivered) via text & on call for every moment of my initial “early” alerts! She encouraged me, made me laugh and talked me off a cliff daily. When the time finally came, she was a sweet, strong and beautiful presence that I know in my being I could NOT have done without. Enza came with candles to light the room peacefully, oils to calm my being and my tummy, hands that soothed the fear and alleviated my pain & a strong, steady voice that kept me from spiriling into panic. I can still hear that confident voice that helped my husband and I work together as a team. Enza took OUR birth plan and the way that we wanted to be coached and executed it to perfection. I praise GOD for this woman. She is our gift and I can’t type enough words to affirm my confident referral of her! We love ENZA <3″ Kari G.

My husband and I were thrilled to have Enza as our doula! My husband and I are christians and to know that our birthing “couch” or “supporter” was also a believer gave us great security and peace. All of this was even more important to us because we were 1500 miles away from our home state, and it was our first baby. Enza prayed with us and consistently had a calm and encouraging spirit throughout our birthing process and delivery. Although I don’t have any other birth to base my birthing experience on, I personally felt that my labor and delivery was very tough. I know that without Enza helping me through literally every contraction, I wouldn’t have reached my goal to have a natural birth. I am grateful for her perseverance, love, and authenticity. I highly recommend Enza for anyone looking for a doula who is completely dedicated to their passion of helping women through this highly vulnerable and intense thing called childbirth! Thank you so very much, Enza! ~Megan W.

My husband and I cannot recommend Enza highly enough. Her care and support throughout pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postpartum was such a blessing. Beyond my own personal positive experience with Enza, the reaction of the nurses, doctors and midwives to her presence in the room spoke volumes. Every Beverly Hospital staff member that walked in the room knew Enza and seemed delighted she was there. “Oh, nice! Enza is here! Enza’s the best! You are in good hands!” I appreciated the way in which Enza advocated for my wishes and stayed by my side throughout the experience and yet simultaneously blended in seamlessly with the medical staff. My mother-in-law was a delivery nurse and indicated that this level of cooperation between doula and staff is not always the case. Here was trust that went both ways, and it led to an overwhelmingly warm, supportive, and assuring atmosphere. When I was wanted to quit, Enza kept me going. She also helped my husband to play an active role as well. We are so grateful that Enza was a part of the birth of our first little one and will definitely be encouraging friends who are expecting to seek her out! ~Rachel F.

As a nurse practitioner I consider myself pretty picky when it comes to choosing a caregiver. I also wasn’t convinced that I needed a doula. A colleague heard me talking about how I wanted an unmedicated birth if possible, I wanted to trust my body and be ale to advocate for what I felt was the right decisions for me but I was nervous that my husband would be too overwhelmed to be there for me. She recommended Enza who had assisted her at her birth. Enza is a truly amazing soul. She is kind, easy going, warm and has a great sense of humor. We were laughing about silly things all the way through my birth experience. I ultimately chose to go with an epidural after a long difficult induction with Pitocin. Not for one minute did Enza question my decisions or make me feel guilty for not wanting to give birth the way I had originally intended. She helped me make each decision with support and flexibility. She encouraged my husband to be involved and allowed us to have our time together when we needed it.  Enza is not only an amazing doula during birth but she is around prior to pregnancy and available whenever you need her afterwards. She gave us the most thorough assessment when we met for a prenatal appointment. I got to talk about my hopes and fears and verbalize my wishes. While I received great midwife care throughout  pregnancy I had hoped that my midwife would have been so thorough! Enza was indispensable after the birth of our son. As new parents we were completely overwhelmed. She was a resource to us as a doula, a lactation consultant and as a fellow mom. Having her number when I needed someone to come hold the baby for even a few seconds while I showered was something I never ended up using but knowing she was there was all we needed. If you pick Enza you will not be disappointed. She is experienced (close to 200 births!) and kind and that perfect combo of present and directive but not intruding. Sarah K.

My husband and I hired Enza for the birth of our first baby. We found Enza to be knowledgeable, empowering, a good advocate and strong supporter of our needs and desires for our birth experience. Though my birth did not go the way I had thought I wanted it to, Enza was supportive of every decision we made and was helpful in explaining a lot what was happening in a way that was simple, calm and helpful. We loved that she was well-received by all the staff at our hospital and that they were excited to work with Enza as one of my husband’s main concerns in hiring a doula. He feared that having a doula would be a situation in which there were too many hands, too many opinions and that our desires may not be heard, however this was not the case and in fact, it was the complete opposite. Enza listened to and heard all of our concerns throughout my pregnancy, birth and postpartum period. As someone with high anxiety, I was so grateful to have an additional person with a calm demeanor as part of my labor and delivery. Enza was an absolutely essential support before, during and after our birth and was a wonderful resource and support when my son ended up being admitted to the Special Care Nursery for 10 days. If you are considering a doula, we highly recommend Enza. She is kind, knowledgeable, patient and understanding. She put us at ease as soon as we met her and would love to have her as our doula again in the future.  ~Amanda M.

It was wonderful to work with Enza during the birth of my second daughter! She is warm and personable, and I felt well-supported by her from our first prenatal visit on. I appreciated her calming presence and constant support throughout labor. She is tirelessly committed to her clients, and clearly loves people as well as the process of birth. She was encouraging, she helped me process when I needed to, and she gave experienced hands-on support during contractions. Having her as a part of my support team greatly enhanced my birth experience, and I would recommend her to anyone I know who is expecting a new baby! ~Rebecca P.

I originally went searching for a doula because my family lives over 500 miles away and I wanted a support system I could count on throughout the pregnancy, labor, and delivery process. It felt like an answer to a prayer when I came across Enza’s profile. As soon as my husband and I met her, we knew we had found what we needed. Enza has been such a blessing to us as we transitioned into parenthood. We took a birthing class with her that was educational but also fun and lighthearted. We called on her expertise before the labor process started as I experienced restless leg syndrome and she gave wonderful advice. When it came time to labor, Enza was right by our side- never pushy but always offering support and encouragement. Enza helped me prepare a Birth Vision, but ultimately I ended up changing some things up during the actual L&D process. Enza gently reminded me of my Birth Vision but also supported me as I made some varying decisions. I appreciated her ability to provide guidance while still encouraging me to do what I felt was best. Ultimately, I love the way my labor and delivery process took place! I enjoyed giving birth, we had a great team, and I can’t thank Enza enough for her expertise. I highly recommend her, especially to any soon to be new parents out there. Thank you Enza! ~Tiffany S.

Enza is a great person and a wonderful doula. Her presence in the labour room made me feel strong and capable. She was with me from 6.30am till 9pm. Enza was my go -between with doctors and my support when making decisions. She went in with me for my emergency c-section and helped me bond with the baby when she came. I’m grateful to have had her with me. Thank you Enza! ~Esther O.

Enza, right from the beginning, was warm and friendly to me and my husband. She is so knowledgeable and experienced in being a doula. Whenever we had a question or concern, she was quick to respond and with articles or books to support her information. I never felt like I wasn’t supported by my doula. Enza goes above and beyond the duties and responsibilities she laid out in the initial meeting. When I needed her the most she was there For me. I will be hiring her again for my next child. We loved her!! ~Megan E.

Enza was our doula for our daughter‘s birth in August. We didn’t quite know what to expect with hiring a doula, but quickly learned Enza was there to support us in whatever our wishes were. She passes no judgement, has no agenda of her own to push, and genuinely wants to help you in any way she can. Enza spent time with us in or home getting to know us, lent us great books, and was always a quick text away leading up to labor. During labor, she was calm, comforting, reassuring and found ways to make us laugh (not an easy feat in my situation!). She brought music, oils, and candles for our room, and stayed with us until we had our precious baby girl in our arms. After delivery, she came to visit us and brought us a beautiful gift basket of all sorts of goodies that we needed (chocolate!) and continue to use (mother‘s Milk tea!). Thank you, Enza – it was so nice getting to know you.  ~Ellice C.

Working with Enza has been nothing short of a life saving experience! I knew I wanted extra support and knowledge for the birth of my first baby and at first, my husband was skeptical because he worried having a doula would diminish his role. As soon as we met Enza, we knew it was a perfect fit for us. She empowered us both with knowledge, while also keeping our plan flexible and realistic. She listens carefully and never judges your choices, while gently providing the guidance needed. During our birth, she helped us advocate for what we wanted with the nurses and doctor and we had a wonderful experience from start to finish. I didn’t realize we would also get so many post-partum visits and support from a Enza. I had a hard time adjusting my first few weeks of motherhood and seeing and talking with a Enza was a huge help. My husband and I both feel like she is an old, dear friend to us even though we just met her a few months ago! Hiring Enza was by far the best choice I’ve made in a long time. I highly encourage others to do so – it is money INCREDIBLY well spent! ~Amy K.

Enza was a grounded and calming presence at the birth of my second daughter. She allowed me to do my own thing while being attentive and active, suggesting measures that would help me and most importantly reminding me to breathe! The labor progressed well and from her wealth of experience Enza was able to tell me when to get into position to push as I wasn’t actually aware I had reached that stage! My 9lb 13oz daughter was born after only a few pushes and with no tears. After the birth I had some bleeding and Enza stayed by my side while I went through a dizzying round of medical staff addressing it. Both myself and my husband are so glad that we hired Enza and can’t recommend her highly enough! ~Teresa H.

This was the second time we had the privilege of working with Enza, and she again was such a wonderful support before, during and after the birth of our daughter.We first met Enza during a childbirth class, and after hearing about her experience and meeting with other families who had worked with her, we realized we wanted to work with a doula, and we wanted to work with Enza specifically. She was literally a life-saver during our first birth as we experienced unexpected complications, and without her help, attention and advocacy, things might have been very different for our family. So it was no surprise we asked to be part of our team with our second child!

Enza was always a phone call or text away during pregnancy, and we were thankful to have someone so knowledgeable about natural childbirth. We met with Enza to go over the birth plan at 37 weeks, and talked about how we hoped this birth would go, knowing that we can’t control the outcome. During labor, I greatly appreciated Enza’s steadfastness and encouragement. At one point, she looked at me inbetweem contractions and said, “We are writing a new story. This is a new birth. Let go of thinking about all the things that happened last time.” She was right, and her offering that perspective helped me let go of any previous worries and instead focus on birthing this baby. When our second daughter was born, it was a joyous celebration for all three of us. Enza knows that care for a new mom doesn’t end after birth. She regularly texts, calls and visits in the weeks following delivery, offering a listening ear and helpful advice, knowing that postpartum can be challenging. We so valued Enza’s love, prayer, support and laughter over the past three years that we have known her and worked with her. She was and continues to be a gift to us, and we can’t recommend her enough!~Juliette H.

Enza was with us for the birth of our first child. Her support was invaluable to us, so it should be no surprise that she was one of our first calls when I became pregnant with our second child! She was readily available throughout the pregnancy and supported us through a medical scare as well. During labor, Enza helped me through each phase, offering different positions and strategies for pain management. Most importantly, Enza was an emotionally stable presence. Not only because she’s done this before, but because she was there to specifically care for us. There were complications to this birth and having someone we trusted, who knew our priorities and values, meant so much to us. Enza was there every step of the way and rejoiced with us in the ultimate delivery of a happy and healthy baby! Her care for us was genuine and we will not hesitate to call her should we welcome a third baby in the future. ~Rebecca G.

We selected Enza as our doula after having multiple friends recommend her. She has a positive and encouraging personality, which we realized as soon as we first met her. Throughout my entire pregnancy she was always accessible for questions or suggestions. She came to our house two times before birth to get to know us, talk about the birth process and prepare us. Our birth did not go as planned, but she was there every step of the way encouraging me and helping me feel confident in the process that happened. After birth she stayed and helped us in the first few hours of bonding and nursing. I would highly recommend her to all as she is a wonderful support throughout the entire pregnancy, delivery and even afterwards. Thank you for your care and dedication!~Krista M.

Working with Enza was absolutely wonderful. Pregnant with our first child, I knew I wanted to birth with a midwife and a doula, and had plans to attempt an unmedicated birth. As often happens with labor, my plans didn’t exactly pan out. I ended up being induced at 37 weeks for low fluid. It took DAYS to get labor started (my body clearly wasn’t ready yet). Enza stayed in touch with us via phone and text during my induction, and was ready and willing to come to the hospital anytime we needed her. Once I was finally in a more active (but early) labor pattern, we called for her to come to the hospital and it was a such a relief when she arrived. She coached and supported me and my husband through each contraction, helped me to relax, encouraged me, provided direction and focus, and helped us negotiate all the cords and IV fluids required during an induction. She was tireless in her support. When I decided I wanted an epidural, I never felt like she was judging me or disappointed – she affirmed that my decision was my own to make and the right one for me under the circumstances. She was at my side when I pushed our baby girl out, when I hemmoraged post partum and needed to have a painful clot extraction (YIKES!), and as I recovered and initiated breastfeeding. All of this would’ve been more than enough to recommend her, but her support of us continued on long after labor was over. I probably texted her a hundred times in the days and weeks following our daughter’s birth. I was so overwhelmed as a new mom with a beautiful but colicky newborn – Enza patiently listened, encouraged and supported me through that stage as well. She prayed for us and loved us so well. I simply can’t say enough. If you have the chance to work with Enza, you will not be disappointed. She was (and continues to be) a gift to my family.~Tiffany K.

We absolutely love Enza, she helped up bring our first child into this world. She was the guide and the support we needed as we were uncertain in the process. She is definitely our fairy godmother and we are so lucky to know her! ~Alexandra P.

There are no words to describe how fabulous Enza is as a doula. She went above and beyond from the second we signed our contract with her all the way through to the birth of our baby boy. I was very nervous throughout my pregnancy and especially during labor and Enza put me at ease every step of the way with her calming presence, kind hearted nature and motivational words. She is so knowledgeable and really puts all of herself into her work. I had a particularly long and difficult labor and am honestly still shocked to have made it through. I can’t recommend her highly enough as she is truly one of the most wonderful women I have ever had the pleasure to know. ~Renuka B.